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More Shape (Plus 2 kg in 3 months)

Increase weight with the physical activity level you want, a perfect meal plan & the nutritional supplementations your body needs. Diet - adopt a predefined diet or register your eating habit, according to your preferences, intolerances, and calories intake value to achieve your weight goal

Nutrients - find deficiencies, % of under or over nutrients intake versus Food & Safety Authority or Nutrigenetic profile recommended dietary values

Prevent - find diseases with high risk due to actual diet, evidence-based information according to scientific studies

Monitor - connect your wearables: Smart Scale to see weight evolution, Calories Tracker to monitor burned calories if are similar with calories according to self-reported activity level & other devices.

Achieve Goals - control calories In & Out, use it as a weight management tool

Eat Right - find healthy food to cover nutritional deficiencies in the most efficient way, your healthiest eating habit

Supplements - If you do not want to change to much the eating habit, find the exact quantity of nutrients your body needs

Meal Plan - add, skip, drag & drop food on daily and weekly plan according to your preferences and available food

Consultancy - learn to use precision nutrition digital platform NutriCare.Life, use it at maximum potential

Money back if you are not satisfied - Medal or "Your Shape (maintain shape & health)" challenge free for winner
Powered by: NutriCare.Life
35.00 You can set up your own challenge anytime
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